Collin College authorizes the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to provide verification of degrees and enrollment status. This round the clock web-enabled service allows employment agencies, lending institutions, and other agencies to verify enrollment and degrees by following this link: They can also be contacted by phone at 703.742.4200 or email We are listed in NSC's database as "Collin County Community College".
If you have set any part of your record in FERPA Authorizations as "Do Not Release",
your record has been marked with a confidential block and information cannot be given
via NSC to unauthorized individuals. The National Student Clearinghouse database
is updated approximately a week after census date and at the end of each month for
the current term.
Students can login to their CougarWeb account and get an instant verification certificate
provided by NSC by choosing the "Enrollment Verification" link in Student Quick Links.
Students can:
Print a certificate of enrollment that can be forwarded to their health insurer, housing
provider, credit issuer, employment agency, or other student service providers.
View enrollment information that may have been provided to a student service provider.
View electronic notifications and deferment forms that have been sent to lenders,
service providers, and guarantors.
View a list of their lenders and link to real-time student loan information detail,
such as outstanding principal balance and the next payment due date that some lenders
If you are an International Student with no social security number or you have a special
form for the Registrar's Office to fill out you will need to request a manual enrollment
verification. Please fill out the Collin College Enrollment Verification Form and
email to or drop off to any Collin College Admissions Office.
Please allow 2 to 3 business days to process your request. Be advised this information
can only be held for pick-up or sent regular mail and cannot be sent electronically.
Verifications of enrollment cannot be certified until after the census date of term/class.